Time to die addon
Time to die addon

time to die addon

Whenever you have old mail in your inbox (and no new/unread), the mail icon will be grayed out. Fontain is a simple Ace3 addon to give you a highly configurable set of controls over your UI's font choices. Allows your group and raid members to put you on auto-follow and more. Contains follower basic data, descriptions, images and localizations. A module for FollowerLocationInfo version 0.9 and higher. Provides more detailed information on where to collect certain garrison mission followers. Shows the percentage of health that your current focus has. Move, hide, scale, and resize frames with independent x&y axes. Add some bars for casting of totems/traps, with timers showing the remaining life time of the objects FluidFrames by AnduinLothar. Lists anyone in your vicinity who gains and loses a Druid's Efflorescence buff. Adds a bar similar to aura and shapeshift bar to the right of the pet bar. Adds a tooltip to the world map showing flightpaths into and out of regions, and region level ranges. FlightHUD Displays a fully configurable fighter jet style Heads Up Display (HUD) while flying or riding. Quickly find specific items in your bags. FlagRSP2 is an AddOn for World of Warcraft that allows players to add additional information about their characters into the game. Allows you to set a title, first name, and last name as well as setting a character status and a roleplaying flag. Automatically inserts actual item link when you type it with square brackets flagRSP WotLK by Typhix. Fizzwidget Linkerator by Gazmik Fizzwidget. Quest names will appear preceded by their recommended level in brackets. Fizzwidget Levelator by Gazmik Fizzwidget. Reminds and helps you to easily feed your hunter pet. Fizzwidget Feed-O-Matic by Gazmik Fizzwidget. Keeps track of your reputation with the various factions. Fizzwidget FactionFriend by Gazmik Fizzwidget. Tries to predict what an item could disenchant into. Fizzwidget Disenchant Predictor by Gazmik Fizzwidget. If you equip a fishing pole, you will get double-right-click casting. Help with fishing related tasks - clothing, fish information, etc. Helps master looters collect interest on items and distribute them. Alternative to MonkeyQuest, Quest-I-On, etc. Auto-accepts and auto-turn-in quests for you. Displays how many reputation points are missing to the next reputation level.

time to die addon

A spell recommendation mod for feral druids in cat form. Here are some of the WoW AddOns supported by WowMatrix, with more being added daily:įaceMauler by IndigoSpaniard. Before opening World of Warcraft, just fire up WowMatrix and let it update your WoW AddOns quickly and safely. Latest World of Warcraft AddOns for Patch 9.0.1

Time to die addon